Applying Investigative Techniques to Problem-Solving

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Applying Investigative Techniques to Problem-Solving

Intelligence involves diverse cognitive processes, including creativity and the ability to entertain novel ideas.

Join me on a journey where the methodologies of design and critical thinking seamlessly meld with the mysteries that have long captivated our collective curiosity. Together, we’ll explore a space where education and the extraordinary not only coexist but mutually enrich one another.


About me

Have you taken the Myers Briggs Personality Test?

Yes. I am an ENFJ –Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging 

What are your top skills?

Instructional Design, eLearning Development, Multimedia Content Creation, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Curriculum Design, Blogging and Content Creation

What are your favorite podcasts?

And That’s Why We Drink, Hello From the Magic Tavern, Mega (an improvised satire from a fictional mega-church), Chilluminati Podcast, A Little Bit Culty, Sinisterhood, Welcome to Nightvale, Astonishing Legends, Fair Game, Tales from the Stinky Dragon, This Paranormal Life

Why Joanna “Arcana”?

In an era where millennials are known for their curiosity and fascination with different topics like the paranormal, mysteries, murder mystery podcasts,  “arcana” is the perfect fit. It encapsulates the combination of all of these things, reflecting our generation’s relentless quest to unravel the mysteries that surround us.